The Fall Mutant City - GENESIS (Full ISO/2011)
2011 | PC | Developer: Silver Style | Publisher: F+F Distribution | 612.78 MB
Genre : Action
The Fall: Mutant City is the thrilling sequel to the trade press of the award winning success track The Fall: Last Days of Gaia. Immerse yourself in the end threatening universe of The Fall and introduce yourself to the struggle for survival in a world that is ruled by betrayal, greed and hatred. Sophisticated graphic effects, an exciting story and the unique atmosphere make The Fall: Mutant City for an unforgettable adventure experience not only for fans of its predecessor! Background Story The year was 2062, when the struggle began to mankind for their existence. Dealing with the rapid technological development had become a habit. The first human cloning followed the control of nuclear fusion and quantum leaps in the air and space technology.
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Humanity had become accustomed to her role as a plaything for their own exploration. The fact that it was to herald the dawn of a new world, the demise of the old, would anyone come to mind
Nicht lineares Raetseldesign
Tag und Nachtwechsel
Hochdetaillierte Grafik
Packende Atmosphaere in post apokalyptischem Setting
Dichte Story mit ueberraschenden Wendungen
Stimmungsvoller Soundtrack
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